6:13:00 PM 0 Comments

Software Development- From Scratch to A Great Software

Have you had any clue on how the process of software development goes? Would you like to know?
Alright, here it is.

Yes, that’s right. It’s basically a concept build into a Product and it’s involved with lots of works and
reworks and reworks and reworks. It all starts with requirement analysis, Specification and an Architecture on the functionality flow. Once the key function and flows are decided, the development starts.

 Let’s step into the process a little in detail:

1. Requirement Analysis
Whether its a Website or a Software, collecting and analyzing requirement is the first step in development process. Only a concept will be delivered by the client to the requirement analysis team. Team probe the client and retrieve in-depth knowledge on requirement to develop the end-product.

2. Specification
This is the level where the entire requirements are collected and represented mathematically and in
written format. Specifications are written to better understand and fine tune the Development Process.

3. Software Architecture
This is the stage of Development process where a Wire Frame or Process Flow Architecture is created. This will help the development team better understand each modules and its relation to other modules.

4. Implementation
This is the most obvious stage of all development process where the requirement collected and
analyzed are put into designs and codes.

5. Testing
This is the most important stage of all development process not just limited with Software
Development. A Product should go through various levels of testing and a bug free system is exported as a result. In fact, testing stands for quality and client satisfaction.

6. Documentation
This part also plays a crucial part in the process of software development. Documentation is done for
the purpose of serving future maintenance and enhancement of the system. Every software developed need an update or modification on a later stage. Documentation makes this process easy as the software flows and code structures are already documented.

7. Training and Support
It is very important to train employees in an organization to use new software as people are reluctant
to change and may not use new software developed. It is important to incorporate software
enthusiasts in the training with new users as well as the rest of the company to build interest.

8. Maintenance
So as to adjust to new changes it is necessary to improve and update software for which the
maintenance department has to work on. Creating a software takes up only 40% of time as maintain and updating uses 60% of a software engineers time.

In short, Software Development is an art of aligning different modules related to each other to retrieve the best output from a concept.

Arius Web Studio is an Offshore Software Development Company in India. The process of development has its complicity and effort to come up with great soft wares. Arius considers lots of factors from user to the client end while developing a product. Software development requires constant look through and maintenance and we do that part with quality and efficiency. We lessen the burden from your shoulders by giving our best to you.


12:20:00 PM 0 Comments

"Knowledge of life" or commonly known as Ayurveda is an alternative medicine
used mostly in South Asia for all kinds of disorders in a body, be it a disease, illness or
even a mental unrest.

Why do you think Ayurveda so popular all over the world when it is predominantly used in Asian countries?

Ayurveda being the back bone of Indian culture perceives health science in the most
natural way possible. Ayurveda advises the ways to a healthy living.
Nowadays, people have very limited time to take care of their health, and the lives are
stressful and ignorant to their bodily needs bringing chaos and confusions in their body whereby creating ailments disrupting their daily life.

Ayurveda prescribes the medical treatment which is to be enjoyed while healing
ones body, mind and soul with no side effects such known.
Ayurveda - The key to rejuvenation of an individuals body and mind also known as
Rasāyanatantra helps in removing toxic elements from the body. It helps in restoring
ones youthful vigor to push through ones productive boundaries.

The best part of Ayurveda is that the medicines, oilments, oils etc are made in the
most ancient fashion giving it all the goodness of natural herbs without loosing its
qualities only to mitigate indisposition without any side effects.

A physically fit body owns a happy and stress free mind which opens you up to a world
of opportunities. Ayurveda not only clears maladies but also shows a natural method
of lifestyle to being fit and happy. And Ayurveda is the answer to your well-being.
And it is your choice whether to go through ayurvedic treatments at least once a year
for few days to restore your health.


Social Bookmarking And Its Importance

11:41:00 AM 0 Comments

How do you think social bookmarking drives traffic to a site? And How does that affect a business? To understand the concept, you need to know what social bookmarking is!

social media logos

A bookmark is a certain link that is stored so as for retrieving later, for various uses.Bookmarks are also known as Internet shortcuts in Internet Explorer.

To edit, add and share the bookmarks made on website documents, a centralized service called social bookmarking is used.

 Social bookmarking is like putting a sticky note on a web page or tagging the same so as to find them later. Social bookmarking helps users to share similar interests as it helps to create a network were they can pool in web resources and can share and use them in any computer or browser.Social bookmarking does not save a web page to the web browser but saves it to the web which can be accessed from any computer with internet connection.

Bookmarks saved are usually public but can be saved and shared privately with specified people or groups.Clusters of tags are created from the inferences on the connection of tags made by some social bookmarking sites.

Some sites provide web feeds on their bookmarks allowing followers to become aware of new bookmarks.Social bookmarking also helps in boosting ones site by collaborating with other social book markers.

To organize a large number of bookmarks, to share bookmarks with contacts, to have access to a consolidated set of bookmarks from various computers are the main uses of social bookmarking. Also to increase sharing information amongst its members, institutions like schools, colleges, libraries etc  use social bookmarking.
Social bookmarking improves web search.It allows people to find their specific interests.Social bookmarking allows one to find general information or what is happening currently and narrow down relevant information.

Social bookmarking helps to bring in quality traffic to ones site.How?
In this era of fierce competition being listed on the first set of listings in a search engine is important to bring in traffic.  And bookmarking the backlinks of ones site increases the number of people viewing your site and using them by increasing the visitors. Improving traffic means increasing consumers of your company. The viewers if found the site interesting would share which again would bring in interested people to the site.

Most popular social bookmarking sites are:
1. twitter.com
2. pinterest.com
3. linkedin.com
4. stumbleupon.com
5. reddit.com

Hence, social bookmarking helps in increasing SERP ranks and improves response of viewers which inturn brings in more traffic. And for it to be productive the website must have excellent content which is relevant to the website and not something irritating when one checks for a specific content but also be very user friendly. And if the crawlers of the search engine finds problems as such, it will  successively take out your website from the search engines. So you have set the keywords right and
and use SEO  tactics properly.